ReNu Reunion wants to extend a big thank you to all of our patients for your flexibility in working with us through these hard times. While most of the public is under a stay-at-home order, we’re trying to comply here by reducing the number of our in-person consultations and visits and we wanted to take a second to thank everyone who has accepted shipments or home deliveries during these difficult times.
In addition, we also wanted to to introduce our patients to Carrie, our new medical assistant!
You’ll probably see her in emails and on our social media pages, sharing at home workouts and healthy recipes to try at home while you do your best to stay in shape during quarantine. She will also be presenting new products to help you maintain muscle mass and reduce body fat while gyms are closed.
We all need a little extra help right now, so we’re going to do our best to help you stay healthy while you’re quarantined at home!
With that in mind, we’re launching a special which is going to start now and run through April!
This is our lipotropic fat burner injection, B-12 energy booster injections and a bottle of Burn Agendaâ„¢
which will help curb your appetite and increase your energy. All of these products combined retail for $190, but right now when you buy this package on our website (or over the phone), we are offering the total package for $150! And the best part? We can ship it all directly to you and maintain a high standard of social distancing!
Give us a call or send an email if you have additional questions with regard to the package special, treatment delivery options or any other questions you may have. Until then, we look forward to seeing everyone in person again soon when all of this settles down.
Stay healthy!